For Prospective

Here at NWIS we believe that each and every child has infinite possibilities for their future. We would like to provide the best for your child, helping them to think for themselves, be confident, and to achieve their goals intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically.
NWIS is the school where all of these opportunities come together.
Our Graduate's
School Choices

- Seisen Int'l School
- Nishimachi Int'l School
- Jingumae Exchange School
- LCA International School
- Musashi International School
- K international school
Tamagawa-gakuen Elementary School
Myojo-gakuen Elementary School
Seijo-gakuen Elementary School
Caritas-gakuen Elementary School
- etc.

Delighted to share the success of our students:
Two bound for American School In Japan, two embarking on St. Mary International School journeys, and others are welcomed by Christian Academy In Japan and Malvern College Tokyo. Well done, all!!
American School In Japan:2名、
St. Mary‘s International School:2名、
Christian Academy In Japan:1名、
Malvern CollegeTokyo:1名、
海外のInternational School:2名

More than 80% of our graduates will either go on to attend school abroad or choose to attend an international school within Japan.
Our graduates have accomplished great things in both their academic career and in their chosen extracurricular activities. They have performed in plays, been recognized in science fair competitions, and won awards in LCA's speech contests.
They build on the experiences and knowledge they have gained here at NWIS and go on to excel wonderfully at the next level. Even those who go on to attend school abroad have been highly praised by their teachers for their phonics abilities and reading skills.
Our graduates go on to excel with their reading skills all through elementary school, and have won awards in LCA's speech contests.
There are also many students who, even though they attend Japanese elementary school, have been able to maintain and continue to improve their English skills learned at NWIS, through our Book Club and after school programs. Even those students who are only surrounded by Japanese in their daily lives and begin to lose their confidence in English, they have been able to continue their growth in reading ability, through these programs.
Our graduates, because they come to enjoy reading so much, have been able to read at a level beyond their grade in school.
One of our graduates, now in 3rd grade, is blazing through tough books like Harry Potter and books by Stephen Hawking. By continuing to read books in English, our graduates that are now attending Japanese schools will be able to retain their English comprehension skills so that when they are once again exposed to an English environment they will begin speaking again much more quickly.
New World International School 卒園生の80%以上が海外の学校や日本のインターナショナルスクールへ進学しています。
日本の私立、公立小学校へ進学した子どもたちはNWISのBiliteracy Class に引き続き通い英語力をキープしています。Biliteracy Class はインターナショナルプリスクールなどを卒園した子どもたちが英語での教育を続けていくプログラムで、アメリカの小学校のカリキュラムを採用しています。英語だけでなく、様々な教科を英語で学びます。


We accept new students twice a year, in April and in September. Although our availability is more limited in September. However, we do also accept consultations during the school year. In the event you wish to transfer into our school we are willing to accept throughout the year.
For those wishing to enter in April, we will start the application process and interviews in November. However, we do accept reservations for our waiting list at any time.

NWIS Fully Supports
it's Working Parents
Even while working as the principal of NWIS, I too am raising 3 children of my own. In order to give my children the kind of education I wished for them I've had to balance work and childcare with the help of everything from hourly daycare, to babysitters, to child drop-off services, to relying on my own parents to be there when I could not.
When raising a child, it is a parent's hope that their child will receive loving care from familiar people in a familiar place. With this thought in mind I have been thinking of ways to fully support our NWIS working parents.
For those who have been wishing to give their child an international education, but could not before due to work. It is our hope that they will feel relieved to have finally found a school with extended daycare hours and that will expose their little one to a program that is created with a child's development firmly in mind.
We are striving to create the kind of daycare environment that feels like home with the kind of educational program that will support your child's growth while waiting for Mommy or Daddy to pick them up. Our goal is not just to provide daycare services but to give your child a caring environment with our bilingual teaching staff during after school hours.

To our working
Mommies and Daddies
1.Extended daycare hours: 8:00am-7:00pm朝8:00-夜7:00までの延長保育
2.Available before 8am and after 7pm (upon request)早朝、深夜のスペシャル延長保育 (要予約)
3.School holidays that fall on a weekday are open for playschool平日の休園日にお子様をお預かりするプレイスクール
4.Extended daycare hours available during the special courses offered during school breaks長期休みのスペシャルコース時の延長保育
5.School events are held on Saturdays or Sundaysスクールのイベントなどの土日開催
6.Parental chaperones not required on field tripsキンダーガーデンは遠足も保護者の方の
付添の必要はありません -
7.Opportunity to attend information sessions for International Elementary Schools here at NWISインターナショナル小学校からの出張説明会
8.Opportunity to learn and flourish in our various after school classes各種アフタースクールで、習い事にも参加可
9.Healthy school lunch orders available給食オーダーあり(アレルギー対応:卵、乳製品、ナッツの除去食あり)
10.Wonderful childcare provided by foreign teachers and bilingual caregivers外国人ティーチャーとバイリンガルケアギバーでの安心ケアー