
Rika Miyoshi
Principal & Administrator

Rika Miyoshi
Principal & Administrator
Rika has had a successful career in the Early Childhood Education field and is a Certified Kindergarten, and nursery Teacher. She studied abroad at Humboldt State University in America with a focus on Early Childhood Education through field study at the university's preschool. While in America, she also volunteered at Mc Kinleyvill Union School Kindergarten. She has worked as a teacher at Japanese Kindergartens in Meguro and Suginami. She has worked in the early childhood education field for more than 25 years. She is always learning about different teaching methods, theories, and if it is effective, eagerly applying them to our school program."As a founder of the school and a principal, I believe early child education is one of the most important educations in a child's life. Each child has so many possibilities and potentials. It is my hope that I can help open their minds to discover a world filled with love. I have always believed that it is through love and acceptance that a child will grow to reach their full potential and that is the type of environment we strive to create here at NWIS."
園長 三好理佳:幼稚園教諭免許、保育士資格保持。発達支援員資格所持及びペアレントトレーニング指導者。
目黒区、杉並区の私立幼稚園にて、クラス担任として勤務後、米国の幼児教育を学ぶため渡米。Humboldt State UniversityにてEarly Childhood Education(幼児教育)を学ぶ。ハンボルト州立大学付属Children's Center Preschoolにて教育実習を重ね、McKinleyvill Union School Kindergarten にて実地経験を積む。帰国後、大手英会話教室にて児童英語講師、並びに中学生向け学習塾の英語講師として勤務。1999年にインターナショナルスクールへ通う日本人の子供たちの補習校としてNWISを立ち上げ、同時にサマースクール等を開催。アメリカ留学時の幼稚園実習において日本と北米の幼児教育の違いを経験し、優れた北米のプログラムを日本在住の子供たちにも経験して欲しいとの思いから2003年、東京・仙川にNWIS Preschool を開校。幼児教育に四半世紀を捧げてきた。常により良い幼児教育を目指すため教育法、言語習得学など日々研究を怠らず、子供たちにとって大切な幼児期に、一人ひとりに合った最良の教育を提供していきたい。そして彼らが可能性に満ちた未来を築き上げる、お手伝いをしていきたいと考えています。

Tibor is from Canada.
I am a Canadian expat, I have been living and working in Japan for more than 18 years. I have also worked for a children books publishing company Apricot for four years. I obtained an introductory certificate in Teaching English to children. I have been working at International Schools for long time.I believe that my special teaching techniques which is having fun while acquiring the language works really well with children.
英語指導経験、プリスクール勤務 18年以上のベテラン先生です。アプリコット出版社で子ども英会話教材の開発にも携わり、英会話教師の指導も行ってきました。彼のレッスンは「楽しく学ぶ」がモットーですが楽しいだけでなく、しっかりと身に付くと好評です。

Hi, I'm Susana. I'm from Philippines but I had lived most of my life in Japan. For the past seven years, I had worked with young Japanese children in early childhood education centers. I absolutely love teaching kindergarteners. It's my mission to instill a love for learning in my students. I like to teach with passion for all themes so that my students develop a desire to become a long-life learner. More things about me, I love to play with my favorite toy, "ukulele";, and love to share songs, dances and specially yoga stories. I also love to cook Japanese food and bake yummy cakes.

My name is Bram and I am from The Netherlands.
I started working at New World International School in 2007. In 2010, I embarked on an adventure in Singapore, where I have taught young children for seven years until I returned to Japan. I am happy to be back at NWIS!With a background in arts and design, I can teach math, language, science and more, in a creative, unique and fun way, hence my nickname "Mad Professor". I hope to instill fun in learning and teaching children to become independent. And +most importantly… Keep laughing!

My name is Mallory and I am from the Philippines.
I have been teaching at New World International School since 2015. I am a sweet, kind, fun, loving, caring, dedicated person, and I incorporate these aspects of my personality into my teaching style. Music is one of my many passions, and so I combine my love for music with my love for teaching to create a lesson the kids will enjoy. I also take pride in providing an atmosphere where all the kids can fully express themselves through art, play, and interacting during our story time. My circle time is always fun, filled with many new ideas, songs, and dances. Being a patient and understanding teacher is important for me, since all children are different and require different levels of attention. I believe that learning through play is very important for the development of children, so I always try my best to make sure the kids are learning and having fun at the same time.

Hello everyone, my name is Dani and I am from India.
I've been working with different age groups from preschool to Elementary level for almost 8 years. I am a dedicated teacher with a passion for children's learning and care. I have developed strong skills in creating fun and interactive learning activities and materials, observing, and reporting on child development and conduct, and developing solid reports with children.In addition to being a very organized teacher, I am creative and enthusiastic, and sensitive to children's individual needs. I possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, as well as solid computer skills.
I believe that the quality of education a person receives in early life is indispensable in bringing out that person's potential and that all children should have access to quality learning and care.

My name is Maya and I was born in Sri Lanka.
I have traveled the world since my childhood. I've always loved Theater and studied Drama and Speech in London. I came to Japan three years ago and since been working as a teacher. I love to keep my lessons fun and interesting :)
During my free time I love composing poems and writing children's stories!

My name is Anna and I come from Israel.
With a background in entrepreneurship, art, and design, I strive to inspire children to take on multidisciplinary challenges via the Project-Based Learning (PBL) method. I believe that proper communication skills along with self-directed learning ability can get you anywhere you want in your life, and I hope to help the children to develop these skills in order to realize their full potential.

I studied Art and Photography in London.
I am a certificated nursery teacher and worked at nursery schools in Meguro, and Setagaya for several years. I've been working at NWIS since 2014.
I support both children and parents at preschool classroom, daycare and the office.I like traveling, taking photos, visiting museums, watching movies, and watching football games.
Kids teach me a lot of great things every day.
That's one of the happiest moments as a teacher. Let's have fun!!

I have been teaching for more than ten years. I love working with children. They surprise me with how quickly they learn, and their big smiles make me happy! I hope to have lots of fun with NWIS children, parents and staff! I love exploring new places, finding nice restaurants, watching movies, travelling and swimming. I recently started learning how to make Yukata!
Preschoolクラス、After Schoolクラスなどを教えた経験もあり、Officeやこども、先生たちのサポートなど、なんでも任せられます。

I studied communication for three years at the City University of New York. I like traveling and listening to music. I am raising two children. Now I work as an office assistant at NWIS. I like to play with kids and would like to have a good time with them!
Guy from Tokyo Japan, IT supporter.
He does everything! From changing light bulbs to shooting and editing videos.
If you need any technical stuff, ask Guy.

Kristin is from the city of Victoria in Canada.
She enjoys using music and poetry to help the children learn challenging material. Kristin especially loves teaching her Musical Theatre after school classes on Fridays, and she hopes to be able to offer an Musical Theatre after school class to Elementary students in the future.
Kristin:カナダ出身。NWIS 専属アーティスト・イン・レジデンス。

Risa has been conducting the Music Together program at NWIS since 2011.
She grew up in the Washington D.C area and attended Longfellow Middle School and then McLean High School in Fair Fax County, Virginia. She holds a BM and an MM in piano performance as well as an official Music Together preschool license.■Owner and piano instructor of the Yamada school of music in Tokyo
https://www.yamadaschoolofmusic.com■Japan chair - American College of Musicians / National Guild of Piano Teachers
ハワイ大学、大学院ピアノ演奏科卒業。Music Together のライセンスティーチャーであり、ピアノ講師。
毎週楽しいMusic Togetherのプログラム及び音楽の授業を子どもたちに提供しています。■英語で教えるピアノ教室the Yamada School of Music in Tokyo 主宰・ピアノ講師
https://www.yamadaschoolofmusic.com■米国ピアノ教師NPO団体 ACM米国立鍵盤教育部 日本支部代表