One aim of an international education is to develop a global citizen with 21st century skills, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.
NWIS provides a comprehensive approach, STEAM and Project Based Learning , to build and teach those skills.
STEAM Education is an approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics. STEAM is about exploring the world around us and asking questions about how or why something works.
At NWIS, children are exposed to STEAM education in order to develop a strong foundation for future learning.
Teachers treat each child as an individual with his or her personality and development style. Using a variety of teaching methods, we adapt and are able to cater to all learning styles and respect the differences in your child.
NWIS Curriculum
私たちのゴールはグローバル社会を舞台に活躍できる21世紀型スキルを持った人を育てることです。自分の意見をしっかり持ち、考える力(Critical Thinking 論理的思考力、問題解決能力) 、それをみんなで共有できるコミュニケーション能力(Communication、Collaboration コラボレーション能力)物事を多面的にとらえ創造力を発揮して解決に導く力(Creativity)の基礎を育てます。
これら4Cのスキルを伸ばすためにNWISではSTEAM 教育※とProject Based Learningをカリキュラムの柱にしています。
NWISでは子どもたちはSTEAM・Project Based Learningを通して周りの世界を探検し、疑問を見つけ、体験し、自分で学び理解して自分で学ぶ自分で解決すること学び取って欲しいと願っています。
Based Learning
encourages students to
Be active learners自発的に学ぶ
Connect to real world身の回りの状況と関連づける
Build good study habits積極的に学ぶ習慣をつける
Each project is typically carried out in phases.
Phase 1Picking a topic to work withテーマを決める
Phase 2KWL ChartsKWLチャートで現状の知識を共有
Phase 3How are we going to learn?学ぶ方法を決める
Phase 4Organizing information学んだことを整理
Phase 5Wrapping up the projectプロジェクトのまとめ
In case ofOur Bugs Project
At the beginning of the project the children's collective knowledge was recorded on a big piece of paper. The children were asked what they knew about bugs, where bugs live and how they felt about bugs. The result was a big web about the topic. This activity is also known as 'knowledge harvest'. The knowledge harvest may give a direction as to where the exploration of the topic will be going.
The children were encouraged to bring bugs they keep as a pet or could find around the house. In a show-and-tell session they could see the creatures up close and share their knowledge.
In the school garden the children observed caterpillars. They noticed and recorded different stages of the caterpillars' growth in writing.
During the transition stage of the pupa, the children made mechanical butterflies. It was a good fine motor skill exercise of looping a rubber band, pulling it through a tube and securing it with a small piece of wire. The result was a rubber band powered butterfly that could actually fly!
After 10 days a butterfly had hatched from the cocoon. The children observed it and set it free! The children had successfully raised a butterfly.
The children watched a video about how to recognize an insect and its body parts. Then the children painted a schematic picture of a butterfly and labeled various body parts, that marked the end of the project.