After School

Priority Enrollment

Priority Enrollment for our preschool is available each year to the siblings of current students, alumni families and after school members for the following school year.

優先入園制度は一般の園児募集の前に優先的にプリスクールの入園申込ができる制度です。優先順位は在園・卒園児の兄弟、After Schoolのメンバーとなっています。


Fast Step
To Preschool

Tiny Tots Together

10months - 2yrs
Once a week

Our program guides parents and children to make new friends and to give a child his/her first steps into the school environment. Parents will learn more about their children's unique developmental process and share in their child's introduction to the joys of learning!


Kindergarten Enrichment Program

3 - 6yrs
3 or 4 days / week

Our kindergarten enrichment program is for children aged 3-6 years and takes place after the regular lessons for the day have ended, as a supplement to your child's education. The class is academic based with the materials presented in such a way that your child will be having too much fun to even know they are studying! The program is comprised of various activities with a basis in phonics, vocabulary building, and sight word recognition practice. The program encourages children to use language in a natural and meaningful way by connecting English to their own lives. Colorful cross-curricular lessons link English to other school subjects while it's great songs motivate children to practice English - even at home!


エンリッチメントプログラムではPhonics, Sight words, Family words, などを学びリーディングスキルを養います。複数のテキストを使用し子どもたちの興味に合わせて4つの技能をバランスよく伸ばしていきます。
Circle Timeには気候、数、カレンダー、図形、色などのコンセプトとその週のテーマについて学びます。テーマ学習ではMI理論を取り入れ一つのテーマを見る、聞く、触る、作る、歌う,身体で表現する、ゲームで楽しむなど体験的に学びます。毎回みんなの前でスピーチをすることでPublic Speechのスキルを伸ばします。学期ごとに習熟度を確認して次のゴールを設定します。様々な学習方法を提供することにより、それぞれのお子様のラーニングスタイルにマッチした方法で習得することが可能です。




Biliteracy Class

7 - 12yrs
4 or 5 days / week

We will be covering almost everything that is covered in a regular elementary curriculum but in English; Math, Science, Art, and of course English Reading and Writing. However, we don't want to teach just the English vocabulary covered in those subjects. We hope that by continuing your child's English education we will enable your child to access the multitude of learning opportunities available online and other places around the world.
The business world is also conducted in English. By continuing your child's English education all of these opportunities become available.

We use the teaching method of Project-based Learning to help students learn better.


Project based learning (探求型学習)を用い主体的な取り組みを通じ自ら学び自ら考える力の育成をします。


6 - 12yrs
2 days / week

This class is designed for students who graduated from an international preschool or raised in an English environment and are not able to join our BILITERACY Program, due to their schedule or current academic abilities.
In our Global Communication class, students are able to expand their minds by discussing, virtually visiting, and learning about the different aspects of countries around the world. The class is not only focused on the international experience, but of course also on improving their academic abilities.

The Global Communications class is designed to guide students towards becoming Children of the World. They will discuss different cultures, improve their reading and writing skills, and engage in many public speaking activities.
As the world is filled with many different cultures, we want to help give each student the confidence to voice their opinions, be involved in conversations, and fully express themselves in whatever topic they are interested in.

One of the goals for this class is to give them an idea of what the world has to offer them, show them that there are many different types of people, languages, cultures, ways of living, and experiencing day to day life. We encourage children to have confidence and critical thinking, Communication skills to lead the world.


WritingはBook reportやJournal をスペルがわからない単語は辞書を使って書く。
Show and Tell でPublic speaking skillを養う。
世界のカルチャーの違いなどGlobal citizenship について学ぶ。
様々なテーマでディスカッションを行い、子どもたちに自分の意見をしっかり持ち国際社会で求められるCritical thinking、Communication、発信力やPublic speakingの力を養います。


Global Education

Saturday School

3 - 6yrs, 6 - 12yrs
Preschool , Elementary

Preschool3 - 6yrs

Saturday School is a 5-hour (short class 3-hour) Program similar in style to the Kindergarten with some of its Study-focused Language Components. The age range is from 3 to 6 years old. Many of our students use English at home or go to another international school on weekdays. We provide lessons for kids with different abilities and attention spans. The focus will be less on teaching English directly and more on exposing the children to an all English environment.

毎週土曜日を英語で過ごします。パズルや知的玩具でのラーニングセンター、英語レッスン、毎週テーマに沿って、Art,Science,Music,PE,Language Artなどを英語で行います。英語で過ごす、学ぶことに重点を置いたクラスです。家庭で英語を使っている、他のプリスクールへ通っているなど、英語のみでコミュニケーションが取れる子どもたちが多く在籍しています。週1度のクラスですのでご家庭でのサポートが重要となります。英語環境づくりにご協力いただきます。

Elementary6 - 12yrs

This class is for elementary students who can read and communicate in English.
We encourage our students to communicate in English with each other. The students focus on reading, writing skills and public speaking skills as well.
We use Raz-plus (online reading) for their reading and textbooks for grammar, vocabulary, and writing. We participate in Show and Tell, topic related discussions, and other public speaking opportunities.
This class is ideal for students who graduated from an international preschool, lived overseas, or are actively using English at home.



Writing:ゲームなどのアクティビティをしながらセンテンスの構造を体得していきます。構文理解などを楽しく学び、基本センテンスを作ります。主語、動詞など単語の入れ替えにより、時制を変化させ、自分の書きたい文章の組み立て方を理解して作文、 日記、ブックレポートなど自分の力で書けるようにします。

Speaking /Listening:英語特有のリズムとイントネーションを体得し、キーセンテンスをインプットし自然な状況で言葉が出てくるようにゲーム、ロールプレイなど多く取り込んで発話の機会を多くします。子どもたちの身近な題材で話したくなる気持ちになります。またテーマに沿ってアートやサイエンスなどを行い、自然な会話をする機会を設けることもあります。

Elementary Preschool



Elementary Preschool
4yrs -

Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration.
Our new class provides all the skills your children need to develop in the 21st century!
It is an integrated approach to learning that encourages students to ask questions, connect the dots, work collaboratively, problem solve, think creatively and be innovative. This interdisciplinary approach has helped create innovations like the iPhone, the original laptop computer, and is even revolutionizing cooking in third world countries. STEAM gives all students hands-on experiences to acquire these crucial skills, necessary in today's world full of challenges.


IT Class ※This class is currently not offered.

Elementary Preschool
4yrs -

Our IT class is especially created for young learners. We introduced to the world of coding and logical thinking through various games, providing a fun way to learn coding. While our students are having fun playing a game, they are getting hands-on experience and learning the fundamental concepts of programming. How to code, diagnose problems and use of basic functions are some of the various skills they will learn in the class.


コース例 初回 プログラミングとは何か?
2-4回 ボードゲームでコーディングの基礎を学ぶ
5-8回 スクラッチを使って実際にコーディング

Piano Lesson in English

Elementary Preschool

Ballet in English

Elementary Preschool
3yrs -

Private/Online Lesson

Elementary Preschool
Contact us Private Lessons.